How Influential Are You?

RedRibbonCutOxford Dictionary defines influence as: “The effect a person or thing has on another; moral ascendancy or power; a thing or person exercising such power.”

Can a person have power and no influence? Yes. Can a person have influence and no power? No. In order to have influence, you must have the power to make the influence work. Can a person combine power and influence? Yes. This is where the real dynamism happens. Power and influence complement each other when handled with grace. Influential people are those who have the ability to get things done, whether they are doing things themselves or encouraging others to get the work accomplished.

As an influential person, people listen to you, they know you will get the job done beyond your own abilities and you can be trusted. If you want to understand how influential you are, observe how often people ask you to join a committee or task force. When they do make the ask, ask them why they thought of you to serve in that role. Their answer will provide you with some insights on how they perceive your talents or skills. Another way to test how influential you are? Call someone you know and see if s/he will take your call! If you are continuously rerouted to another person, you will know you have little to no influence with that person.

Being influential and using that power is based on what you know (your level of knowledge), who you know (who you are connected to), who they know (who they are connected to) and your style of leadership (how you get things done right and within a reasonable amount of time). Pay attention to who trusts your advice when you share information and make recommendations. That will reveal to you whom you influence.

Ask yourself this question: Who do I currently influence? Who would I like to influence and why?