Mark Zust

Brand Consulting

Evaluation, strategy, training, writing and design

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Turn your brand into a high performance, sales generating machine.

Is your brand currently getting you more work from your clients?
Is it constantly creating new business leads? Is it helping your team close more sales?
If not, why not? Mark Zust, the Brand Mechanic, can help. He’ll turbocharge your brand and your people in ways that will transform your business.

Mark has the power tools to drive your brand story:

  1. Client interviews
    What do clients say about your company after you’ve left the room?
    Mark is a seasoned interviewer who will uncover the real reasons customers buy from you.
  2. Strategy mapping
    Fueled by client interviews Mark works with your team to build brand strategy, strengthen relationships
    with your clients, as well as create a plan to engage, educate and convert prospects.
  3. Tracking results
    You’ll get a detailed monthly report with clear metrics on goals met, team progress, and new opportunities.
  4. Team training
    Individual skills inventories and communication style assessments are provided, along with training sessions to transform your team into a winning brand “pit crew”. Results include an energized team, a clear story, and new avenues to share your story with the world.
  5. Brand evaluation
    Is your brand current or out of date? Memorable or forgettable? Mark looks under the hood to assess
    your logo, sales materials, online presence and more, then he’ll supply a candid report.
  6. Brandifesto
    Trade in your forgettable mission statement and commit to a passionate declaration of your company’s
    unshakeable values and purpose. Mark gets to your company’s essential “why”, then crafts your “brandifesto”, a brand manifesto that’s clear, authentic and irresistible.

Additional services: