Reflective Action Enhances Your Attitude

629903_autumnWhen the walls of negativity are closing in, take the time forĀ reflective action, to activate your senses with your mind and body to enhance your well-being and become more positive. Here are three tips to get you started:

  1. Retreat! Imagine getting away from everything that is familiar to you, allowing yourself to experience something new. In the process, you get to know yourself at a much deeper level. That, in essence, is what a retreat is designed to do. Focused quiet time can change your perspective. Some retreats are self-directed; others are organized for you. When you plan a retreat, do it with an open mind and open heart. You will return home feeling rejuvenated and more focused.
  2. Be inspired by other people’s stories. From time to time, you may have “down” days – those gray days when you just don’t feel like yourself. Negative thoughts can take over, and before you know it, you feel inadequate. Reading about other people’s stories of struggle turned to celebration will inspire you. I keep a file of inspirational stories from articles that I have read about people who have overcome difficult obstacles in their lives. Two of my favorites are about the lives of Mattie Stepanek and Kyle Maynard. Seek out their stories on the internet and reflect on what is possible in your life.
  3. Bring beauty into your life every day. Beauty almost defies description because its definition is so subjective. I define beauty as anything that enriches your life or that stops you and beckons you to take the time to absorb, embrace, or admire it. Adding beauty to your life can be admiring a beautiful morning, listening to relaxing music, or examining the intricate weaving of a dew-covered spider’s web. Don’t turn your back on beauty. It is all around you. Take the time to invite it into your life.

Reflective actions like these will give you a fresh perspective on what exists and what is possible in your life.