What Are Your Words Worth?

MegaphoneWPeopleWords define us. They shape our attitudes and beliefs. They express our perceptions. They also help to create our reality. Words can demonstrate strength or weakness. What words are you using? What are your words worth?

Imagine that you have been diagnosed with cancer and are sitting in a hospital room, ready to undergo your first chemotherapy session. You have decided that you want to face cancer with a positive attitude and humor in your heart. You sit in the chemo lounge chair and put on a red foam clown nose. It puts you in a better frame of mind for this new life experience. A nurse then comes over to you, with a smirk on her face, and says in a stern voice, “Why are you wearing a clown nose? Don’t you know you have cancer?”

What would you do? My colleague, Eddie, was seated in that chair in September, 1999. His response was, “Just because I have cancer doesn’t mean I am not allowed to have joy in my life!” Wow. I hope that nurse listened to Eddie’s words carefully because they offer us an important life lesson: Never give up. The nurse’s attitude didn’t sour Eddie’s outlook on life. The clown nose remained in place.

Many years have passed since his first chemotherapy session, and I am pleased to say that Eddie remains cancer-free. Now that’s a positive attitude. Eddie’s story reminds us that every day we can choose positive over negative. Which would you prefer to be? Like the nurse? Or like Eddie? The key is that you can choose to be positive. Put on your own red clown nose when you need it and step into the world with grace and dignity!