Well, it’s that time of year when we take the time out of one day, Thanksgiving Day, to give thanks.
But what if you gave thanks every day? Instead of giving thanks just once a year, you began every morning with a simple “I am thankful for…”
* Good health
* Love in my life
* Loving family
* Good-paying job
* Dear friends
* Senses – sight, hearing, taste, touch
* Mental faculties (still working!)
* Shelter
* Natural beauty in the world
The list goes on.
Thanksgiving Day becomes so rote, we often forget the real reason we get together with family and friends. Though the day is designed to celebrate the historic moment of the early settlers and Native Americans coming together, throughout the centuries we have derived our own personal meaning from the day. For some, it’s a day of “obligation” to spend time with both sides of the family, rushing from one home to another. For others, unfortunately, the day can be uncomfortable, frustrating, disappointing, or even depressing. For the rest of us, it allows us an opportunity to spend quality time with the people in our lives who truly matter to us.
Beginning tomorrow morning, take just 30 seconds and fill in that blank statement, “I am thankful for…” and see what comes to mind. Then the day after that, do it again. And the day after that, repeat. By the time Thanksgiving Day arrives, you will be in full thanks-giving mode. You may even be able to find a little more joy with the people sitting around that table with you.