Protect Your Credibility

ThumbsUpYou will have many opportunities in your life to compromise your credibility. Don’t! The credibility that you enjoy today has taken years to build. Why risk throwing it all away? Protect it. It is one of your greatest assets, built on the foundation of your character and competence.

Credibility is a lifelong commitment.

Business mogul Warren Buffett says, “It takes twenty years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” With today’s social media platform, that five minutes quickly morphs into two seconds.

Credibility is one of those intangibles in life that can change dramatically from moment to moment. Within those moments, you will have choices. Credibility first showed up in the national media in the late 1990s ranging from political and religious scandals to corporate and celebrity debacles. Today, the news continues to be filled with people who made poor choices (and who knew better). When we examine any case, it comes down to one thing: Choice. Each leader or organization had a choice to make: the high road or the low road, truth or deception. Always, always take the high road. When you think no one will know or notice, correct yourself then and there. Your conscience will guide your decisions.

In their book, Credibility: How Leaders Gain and Lose It, Why People Demand It, authors James Kouzes and Barry Posner in their research asked professionals how they felt when they were in the presence of truly great leaders. The top ten replies were: Capable. Challenged. Enthusiastic. Inspired. Motivated. Powerful. Proud. Respected. Supported. Valued. Do you believe people feel this way about you? How do you demonstrate your credibility? How does your behavior align with your actions? What could you do to enhance your credibility? In everything you do, choose credibility. You will sleep better at night.

A mantra to consider: “I choose to protect my credibility.”