Are You Exactly Where You Need To Be Right Now?

CompassHave you ever had an amazing experience in your life when you found yourself saying, “I was meant to be here. I am exactly where I need to be right now.” When that happens, you are fully present in that moment, appreciative of the gift that has been given to you.

This past week, I experienced a string of moments just like that, as I repeatedly said to myself, “I am exactly where I need to be right now.”

The first experience was musical. My husband and I heard for the first time an incredible performance by a local band that features a friend of ours. The leader of the band, a talented singer, songwriter and musician, inspired me to tap into my creativity.

The second experience was theatrical. A visiting performance troupe, dog + pony dc created a memorable theatre experience, A Killing Game. While we could have easily left after the program ended, we chose to stay and meet the actors. They motivated me to expand my thinking.

The third experience was inspirational. I met a physically challenged young man who shared his life story of overcoming obstacles and pushing his own limits. His joy inspired me to live my life more fully.

In each of these experiences, I said the same thing to myself, in that moment, “I am exactly where I need to be right now…to be fully present, to hear this message and to learn from this experience.” From each connection, I took away something new, yet there were threads of continuity.

When you are fully present in a moment and you recognize it and cherish it, you are open to receive a deeper message.

Ask yourself, “Am I exactly where I need to be right now?” When you answer yes, then you will appreciate – for that moment – that there is nowhere else that you would rather be.