Make Referrals The Right Way – Part 2

Email abstractYou have available to you the gift of technology to connect people and refer them to each other. The great benefit of connecting people using electronic technology is that you have a thread of the connection, easily accessible with the click of a mouse.

Lesson Two: Make e-connections. I have met many colleagues who are in the same fields of work as I am – training, speaking, coaching, facilitation and consulting. Occasionally, I will meet a new contact and discover that there is someone in my network who they “must” meet. In my mind, it is a perfect fit. In this case, I will send an email to both of them, and make an “e-introduction.” Within the body of the email, I include contact information for both of them (name, title, company, address, phone, email) and a brief paragraph description on each person so background information is provided in advance of their connecting. It is up to them to contact each other. The intent is not just of referring business to someone, it is also to bring two colleagues together for mutual benefit. Try it. The result: People will respect you for your thoughtfulness. It positions you as a considerate business professional, one who is thinking of other people first.

Throughout the years, I have referred a number of people to each other through e-connections. People respond positively to this simple method because of the background information that is provided to them. Who do you know in your network who you believe needs to know each other? Get busy and make some introductions. Your colleagues and friends will look to you as a great resource and thank you for expanding their network of contacts.